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Internet Defamation Lawyers Pittsburgh

Navigating internet defamation cases in Pittsburgh with experienced lawyers

In an age where the internet has empowered people to freely voice their views to the rest of the world, it has also led to serious concerns like online defamation. Defamatory statements posted via online platforms and social media networks can tarnish reputations, harm businesses, and disrupt lives. If you or someone you love has been a victim of online defamation or social media defamation, you should be aware of your legal options and your potential right to sue for damages.

Types of Online and Social Media Defamation in Pittsburgh, PA

  • False Statements: Spreading false information about a person or entity.
  • Character Assassination: Attacking someone's character or reputation through false claims.
  • Cyberbullying: Engaging in repeated online harassment, including false accusations.
  • Reputation Damage: Making statements that harm an individual's or business's reputation.
  • Fake Reviews: Posting fake negative reviews or testimonials about a business or individual.
  • Impersonation: Creating fake profiles or accounts to post defamatory content.
  • Misinformation: Sharing inaccurate information or false news stories.
  • Slanderous Comments: Making false spoken statements about someone online.
  • Social Media Takedowns: Reporting false violations to have content removed.
  • Defamatory Hashtags: Using hashtags to spread defamatory content.
  • Retweets and Shares: Reposting or sharing defamatory content from others.
  • Trolling: Deliberately provoking and harassing individuals online.
  • Hate Speech: Using social media to spread hateful and defamatory language.
  • Doxxing: Revealing private or personal information to harm someone's reputation.
  • Conspiracy Theories: Spreading false and damaging conspiracy theories.
  • Image Manipulation: Editing images or videos to create false narratives.
  • Stalking: Online stalking with defamatory intent.
  • Group Defamation: Coordinating with others to defame an individual or entity.
  • Employer Defamation: Defaming someone's professional reputation.

Internet Defamation and Social Media Defamation Laws in Pennsylvania

Defamatory statements made on social media platforms and online forums are subject to the same defamation laws as traditional media. However, the rapid spread and permanence of online content can make online defamation cases particularly challenging.

Title 42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 8343 addresses defamation laws in Pennsylvania. Here are the key points under this statute:

Elements of Defamation

To establish a defamation claim in Pennsylvania, a plaintiff must demonstrate the following elements:

  • A defamatory statement was made about the plaintiff.
  • The statement was false.
  • The statement was published to a third party.
  • The statement caused harm to the plaintiff's reputation.
  • The statement was not protected by legal privileges or defenses.

Statute of Limitations

Pennsylvania imposes a one-year statute of limitations for defamation claims. This means that a lawsuit must be filed within one year from the date the allegedly defamatory statement was published.


Plaintiffs in defamation cases can seek compensatory damages to compensate for the harm to their reputation. Compensatory damages can include both economic losses and non-economic harm, such as damage to one's reputation or emotional distress.

Retraction Statute

Pennsylvania has a retraction statute (42 Pa. C.S.A. § 8344) that allows media defendants to avoid punitive damages by issuing a timely retraction or correction of a defamatory statement.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Federal law, specifically Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, provides immunity to online platforms (e.g., social media websites) from liability for content posted by users. While this immunity protects platforms, it doesn't shield the individual who posted the defamatory content.

How Our Defamation Lawyers at Very Law can Protect Your Rights

At Very Law, with our expertise in digital defamation and online communication laws, our online and social media defamation lawyers are well-equipped to handle the unique challenges posed by internet-based defamation.

Cease and Desist Letters: We may send cease and desist letters to the responsible parties, demanding the removal of defamatory content and a public apology.

Content Removal: We work diligently to have defamatory content removed from online platforms and social media websites, compelling compliance with legal requests.

Evidence Gathering: We gather and preserve evidence of the defamatory statements, ensuring a strong foundation for your case.

Legal Action: If necessary, we pursue legal action against the responsible parties, filing defamation lawsuits to seek damages and injunctions to prevent further harm.

Identifying Anonymous Perpetrators: In cases of anonymous defamation, we employ legal processes to uncover the identities of the perpetrators.

Negotiation and Settlement: We explore settlement options and engage in negotiations when appropriate, aiming for resolutions that protect your reputation and financial interests.

Monitoring and Prevention: We help you monitor online content to prevent further defamation and advise on strategies to proactively protect your online reputation.

Expert Testimony: We can call upon experts, including digital forensics and reputation management specialists, to support your case when needed.

Privacy Protection: We take measures to safeguard your personal information and privacy throughout the legal proceedings.

Your Personal and Business Online Reputation Deserves Protection

If you have fallen victim to online defamation or social media defamation, your reputation and well-being are our top priorities at Very Law. Consult with our Pittsburgh internet defamation lawyers and take the first step towards reclaiming your reputation and seeking justice against those responsible for the harm. Call Very Law today at 412-430-0131 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

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